divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014

The Drinking Fountain

Hi everyone!

Our third-year students want to show you the poems they have recorded! We have enjoyed a lot doing this activity! We hope you like it!

dimarts, 18 de novembre del 2014

Comenius videoconference


This morning we communicated with the students from the other Comenius countries through Skype. It was an unforgettable experience! Before the videoconference we were very nervous and excited but finally it was very funny and successful!

Víctor, Núria, Judit, Josep, Pol and Albert

divendres, 14 de novembre del 2014

The Water Cycle Poem

Our Year 4 students have learnt this wonderful poem about the water cycle. Good job dear poets!

dijous, 13 de novembre del 2014

Comenius Countries

Last year, our 6th year pupils learnt the main characteristics of the countries which participate in the project. They represented these features making these original posters!

Save Water Slogans

We made up some slogans for the students to realise how important water is. With slogans it is easier to remember!


Water Cycle Mural

Last year, year 3 pupils represented the water cycle through posters like these: