dimecres, 15 de juliol del 2015

All the different countries in our Comenius Project wrote lots of poems and stories about WATER. 

 In our school Year 6 students wrote two interesting stories. 

If you want to read all of these writings go to our OFICIAL WEB:


dijous, 9 de juliol del 2015

We are on Facebook! Follow us!

The Polish team created a Facebook page called "EVERY LAST DROP"- COMENIUS GROUP 2013-2015" with the goal of connecting with our Comenius friends. Students, teachers, parents and visitors can see the photos of the meetings and know the latest news of the group instantaneously.

Please, access to our Facebook page by clicking on the link:

Image result for facebook

Education system

One of the programmed activities of the Comenius project was to do a presentation about the education system of each country. It was very interesting because we could see how different or similar our education systems are.

Here you can learn a bit more about the education system in Catalonia:

Our school, our city

Our students did a PowerPoint presentation about our school to show our Comenius partners its facilities, ideology, main festivities which are celebrated, location, etc. Moreover, they included some slides about our city, Reus, with some important information about it.
The presentation was given in the first meeting celebrated in Romania.

Water Experiments

Since the project began in 2013, we have done a large number of water experiments, mainly in Science and English. 
Furthermore, during the Water Week, we had the pleasure of welcoming Carme Aguilar, mother of a student and professor of Chemistry at Rovira i Virgili University. She gave a talk on water (basic information like: the states of water, the water cycle, how much water is on Earth...) and taught our students to do experiments.

Please, find below some interesting experiments you can do at home and, why not, have a lot of fun!

Here you can see some photos of the talk and the experiments done!


Comenius Logo

One essential task of our Comenius project was to create a logo
Logo competitions took place in each school to choose the most original and creative logo. In our school, the winner was Marina Fernández (6th grade) with this innovative logo:


During the meeting in Germany, the final logo contest took place and all participating members chose the winner!

dimecres, 8 de juliol del 2015

"Every Last Drop" Comenius project WEBSITE

Now you can visit the official website for the Comenius project "Every Last Drop" where you will have the chance to learn a bit more about it.


dilluns, 6 de juliol del 2015

Art Exhibition

The "Art Exhibition" was hold in Spain, during the last meeting of the project. 
Each country brought pupil's art works like collages, watercolour pictures, sculptures...all of them pretty nice as you can see in the photos below!

Traveller Drop

Hello! I'm the Traveller Drop and I have travelled around the world visiting the Comenius countries! I'm a very busy drop and all day I'm working in the Water Cycle! I sometimes work as liquid in the sea, other times as gas in the air... I'm multi-faceted but I adore my job! It's very exciting!

The Pirate's Smile

Our first and second graders had the opportunity to know the story of James, a boy who wastes water, doesn't turn off the lights, leaves the tap running... until one day he learns his lesson! 

Do not miss it and please take a close look!

Comenius Corner

Each school involved in the Comenius project had the task of creating a "Comenius Corner" to inform students, staff and visitors about the aims of the project. 

At Pare Manyanet Reus School, we had two distinct areas dedicated to the project: the Comenius Corner and a Comenius Showcase with information, tourist guides, flags, souvenirs... about the participating countries.

Here you can see a photo of our Comenius Corner:

Water Cycle Murals

Students from year 3 and 4 studied the water cycle. The youngest students created a wonderful water cycle mural indicating the different parts of the cycle being involved the three whole classes. They decorated the mural with colours and paintings. On the other hand, students from year 4 carried out a drawing competition about the water cycle. They took part in the competition in pairs. After voting, we could congratulate the winners: Sandra and Júlia from 4th A and Èric and Emma from 4th B. They all had a great time.

Water Sayings

To carry out the Comenius Project with students from year 1 in Pare Manyanet School, they learnt useful sayings about water and they made a video all together having a funny Comenius experience.

divendres, 26 de juny del 2015


On the occasion of the Water Day (on the 22nd of March), all Primary Education students celebrated the Water Week, which took place from the 16th to the 20th of April.
During this week, we did many activities related to water in each one of the subjects, focused with an interdisciplinary vision. In Science, for example, our students had the opportunity to do water experiments (you can see some photos below).
Apart from these activities, we made a mosaic of a drop and we celebrated a festival in which pupils from different classes and levels recited poems, sang songs, told stories...all of them about water and, of course, in English!